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How to Make Powerpoint 2016 File Smaller TUTORIAL

How to Make Powerpoint 2016 File Smaller

Are you wondering "why is my PowerPoint file too large?"

PowerPoint presentations tin can hands increment in size over time. Every bit yous're adding more video, images, audio, and slides, the file size volition increase too.

I've often found myself hitting my electronic mail attachment limit when sending PowerPoint presentations to others. I couldput it in a Dropbox share or upload it online, but the real problem is that the presentation should exist downsized first.

Luckily, at that place are some good techniques that'll help you reduce the size of your presentation files. In this tutorial, I'll walk you lot through several tips and tricks to reduce your PowerPoint file size.

Learn these skills to help reduce the size of your PowerPoint files—your clients and collaborators just might cheers for it.

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We too accept a helpful complement to this tutorial. Quickly take hold of it before you read on. Download our Gratuitous eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Dandy Presentations. In information technology you lot'll acquire how to you write, pattern, and deliver the perfect presentation.

Quick Ways to Reduce Your PowerPoint File Size (Lookout & Learn)

In this quick video, I'll teach you my techniques to reduce PowerPoint file sizes. I'll walk you through, footstep-by-step, several tips that help you compress and optimize your PowerPoint presentations. These tips will help y'all trim a file before yous share it with others.

How to Reduce You PowerPoint File Size

Miss whatever of the tips in the video, or prefer a written version of these steps? Check out the instructions beneath to notice out more about how to reduce your PowerPoint file size.

This tutorial was created using the macOS version of Windows 365. If you're using a different operating organisation or a different version of windows, your steps may be slightly different.

Learn all near compression techniques and other means to quickly shrink your PowerPoint PPT file size down. Before we get started, the template I've chosen to work with in this tutorial is Agio PowerPoint Presentation from Envato Elements. It'south a premium template with some cracking features I call back you lot'll really relish.

Agio PowerPoint Template Agio PowerPoint Template Agio PowerPoint Template
Agio PowerPoint Template is a great option for whatever PowerPoint presentation.

Now, let's learn how to reduce your PowerPoint file size:

1. Shrink Selected Pictures in PPT File

Images are easily ane of the largest parts of most PowerPoint presentations. Compressing them can decrease the size of your PowerPoint file.

Often, I observe myself pasting images into a presentation from all over the spider web, on my computer, and using built-in graphics. Every bit I'1000 doing this, I'm often bringing large paradigm files into my PowerPoint without thinking of how the file size affects my PowerPoint file. That can brand for a quick and fluid design process. But it'll leave you lot with some cleanup needed.

To become started with image compression, select an paradigm within of your PowerPoint PPT file. On the ribbon, you'll see a Film Format tab. Click on this tab, and then find the Shrink Pictures option.

After you've selected the Compress Pictures choice in PowerPoint, you'll see a new pop-up menu to tweak the compression settings for the selected image.

Compress selected photos PowerPoint Compress selected photos PowerPoint Compress selected photos PowerPoint
Choose the Picture Format > Compress Pictures choice to get-go compressing an epitome in PowerPoint. (Photo: Envato Elements)

On this menu, there are two cardinal settings to double cheque:

  1. Ensure that Delete cropped areas of pictures is ticked. This removes whatsoever pixels that we've already cropped out of an paradigm. Proceed in mind that this prevents you lot from re-cropping the picture to include those pixels subsequently on.
  2. Ready a Resolution on the low-end of the options, such as 96 ppi to actually reduce the allegiance of images and reduce the PowerPoint PPT file's size.
Compress selected pictures PowerPoint Compress selected pictures PowerPoint Compress selected pictures PowerPoint
Use my recommended settings to really reduce the size that the image will occupy in the PowerPoint file.

If y'all've got several cardinal, big images that you lot want to compress, employ this feature as a starting point to downsize your presentation file.

2. Compress All Pictures in Your PowerPoint

At present that we've learned the value of compressing images, let's learn how to batch compress every paradigm in a presentation.

In one case again, we'll be working on the Compress Pictures bill of fare. With an image selected, become to Movie Format > Compress Pictures. On this menu, the option reads Employ to: All pictures in this file. This has the same event and will downsize your images.

Compress all photos PowerPoint Compress all photos PowerPoint Compress all photos PowerPoint
Compress all your pictures in PowerPoint with these settings.

Be careful when using this feature! It'll certainly reduce the size of the images in your PowerPoint PPT file. Make sure that you aren't permanently removing any cropped areas of images that you'll want to re-use.

3. Save Your PowerPoint in a .zip File

One time you've saved your PowerPoint slides, it helps to shrink them into .cipher files. This is a built-in feature on Mac, and it's very useful if y'all want to share your PPT slide decks with others.

When y'all relieve your file, navigate to the folder where it is contained. Right-click on the file, and you'll come across a dropdown menu appear with an array of options. The one yous're looking for is labeled Compress, followed by the name of your file.

Save as PowerPoint as Zip Save as PowerPoint as Zip Save as PowerPoint as Zip
Salve your PPT file in .goose egg format to compress and reduce its file size.

Click on information technology, and macOS will package your PowerPoint file into a compressed .cypher file. This streamlines sharing past reducing your PowerPoint file size.

4. Link to Videos in Your Presentation

Many presentations will include video files to add some variety to the presentation. Simply how you add them will really touch on the size of your finished PowerPoint file. Another option to shrink your PowerPoint file size is to link to multimedia objects, instead of embedding them inside of the file.

To begin inserting a video on your figurer into your PowerPoint file, become to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on Video > Movie from File.

In PowerPoint, in that location are really two ways to include video files in your presentation:

  1. Insert the video directly into the PowerPoint file itself.
  2. Link to the video file.

Both of these options will place a video on the PowerPoint canvas, but in very different ways. Inserting the video will include it equally a part of the PowerPoint file. It'due south actually bundled inside of the PowerPoint file. So, you lot can ship it to anyone and the video volition play.

To link to the video, browse to where the video file is stored. Click the Options button in the lower left corner and cull Link to File to insert the video inside of your PowerPoint file.

Linke to video file PowerPoint Linke to video file PowerPoint Linke to video file PowerPoint
Choose Link to File to create a reference to a video file, instead of embedding it direct inside the PowerPoint PPT file bundle.

Linking to the video references the original file and simply links to it. Basically, y'all're creating a reference to the video file instead of calculation it to your presentation file.

Insert video file PowerPoint Insert video file PowerPoint Insert video file PowerPoint
A linked PowerPoint video file will announced the same as one you embed, but it won't increase the size of your PowerPoint file. (Video Image: Envato Elements)

The downside to this approach is that if you lot link to your video and send your presentation to someone else, the video won't play correctly. PowerPoint will exist looking for the video on the local device instead of within the PowerPoint file.

Ideally, your video is hosted somewhere online, like YouTube. So, you lot neither have to embed the video in your PowerPoint file, or link to it on your estimator.

5. Use the Insert Tab to Add Photos

Photos are the all-time way to bring your PowerPoint slides to life. Only if you lot need to reduce PPT file size, sometimes they can crusade yous trouble.

But that doesn't mean you should leave photos out of your slide decks. Y'all can employ a unlike technique to add them to your slides and enjoy smaller file sizes.

When yous use a PPT template, you may find that you can drag and drop images correct onto your slides. This is the easiest - and fastest - way to add photos to your slides. But information technology also has a cost in file size.

Images that you drag and drib onto slides aren't compressed at all. For one or two images, this doesn't matter. But if you've got a fully illustrated deck, your file size can quickly get out of control.

How to reduce PowerPoint file size How to reduce PowerPoint file size How to reduce PowerPoint file size
Use the Insert tab to quickly add photos while saving file space in PPT.

To aid with this, effort using PowerPoint's Insert tab to add photos.

Working on a slide, go to Insert upward on the ribbon. And so, choose Pictures > Film From File. Browse to a photo that y'all've saved. Click Insert to add it to your slide.

This way, PowerPoint compresses and reduces the size of any photos that you add together to your slide deck.

six. Share PPT Slides in PDF Format

Let'due south face it. PowerPoint slides are congenital for sharing. That means that you lot need to know how to reduce PowerPoint file size at every opportunity.

At the aforementioned time, you demand those who you share slides with to be able to read and view them on any device. Fortunately, these 2 goals can be hands accomplished at the aforementioned time.

Past saving a PPT deck equally a PDF file, yous tin can see how to compress PowerPoint file size fast. Plus, PDF files can be read on almost any device. They too take up less file space than a .ppt or .pptx file. They display your slides without the format settings that PowerPoint adds.

Reduce PPT file size Reduce PPT file size Reduce PPT file size
Using PDF format makes your files smaller and more shareable, all in one click.

When you click Salvage Equally to save your slide deck, choose PDF from the File Format dropdown. In moments, your slide deck volition exist in a versatile, minimally-sized format that yous can share far and wide.

7. Reduce Embedded Characters

When you think about how to compress PowerPoint file size, fonts are a large part of information technology. You may apply custom fonts in your piece of work, and yous need to be sure that other users can see them. That's true fifty-fifty if they don't have the fonts installed on their computer.

Fortunately, in that location'south an piece of cake fix. This helps you reduce PPT file size fast. Working in PowerPoint, go to the PowerPoint > Preferences menu on the macOS carte du jour bar. Nether Output and Sharing, click Salvage.

Past default, PPT embeds fonts so that they're always visible. But using this setting can make your PowerPoint files larger.

How to compress PowerPoint file size How to compress PowerPoint file size How to compress PowerPoint file size
Reducing embedded characters helps keep custom fonts from increasing your file size.

Check the box next to Embed Fonts in the File, and finally check Embed Just the Characters Used in the Presentation.

Now, by default, when you save PPT decks with custom fonts, they won't take upwardly much extra file space. This is how to reduce PowerPoint file size rapidly.

8. Use Charts and Embedded Objects as Images

PowerPoint offers a variety of ways to pull in extra information on your spreadsheets. These can include Excel charts, graphs, and much more than. Only by linking data in this fashion, you lot may find yourself working with very large files.

How to reduce PowerPoint file size images How to reduce PowerPoint file size images How to reduce PowerPoint file size images
By converting charts and graphs to images, you can reduce your PPT file space easily.

Remember, illustrations like this display data. Their ability to update from the source is useful, only it increases PowerPoint file size. Instead of adding live-updating charts, endeavor adding screenshots or image versions instead. By irresolute charts and objects to images, you can save file space immediately.

Once you've got the images saved, add them to your slides with the Insert menu. This saves infinite over dragging and dropping.

Best PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Designs on Envato Elements (Unlimited Downloads)

Envato Elements has thousands of the very best PowerPoint presentation designs for you. It'southward a compelling offer. Unlock unlimited downloads with a flat-rate monthly membership.

Reduce PowerPoint file size Reduce PowerPoint file size Reduce PowerPoint file size
Reduce PPT size in fashion with premium templates from Envato Elements.

Recall that trying to reduce PowerPoint file size means cutting your style? Think again. Thanks to versatile Envato Elements templates, you capture the all-time of both worlds. Reduce PPT file size while you build stunning stylish slides for every occasion.

Reduce PPT Size Reduce PPT Size Reduce PPT Size
Join Envato Elements for unlimited PPT templates.

Elements helps you reduce PPT size with fashionable templates featuring:

  • infographics
  • slideshows
  • timelines
  • animations

Simply drop in your content, and you're on the style to the nigh impact at minimal size. Bring together Elements at present.

5 Top Templates to Reduce PPT File Size (From Envato Elements - For 2022)

These stunning templates from Envato Elements brand it easy to reduce PowerPoint file size:

1. Librario | PowerPoint Template

librario how to reduce PowerPoint file size librario how to reduce PowerPoint file size librario how to reduce PowerPoint file size

Never give up on style when you try to reduce PPT size. Librario is a spectacular PowerPoint template for whatever project. Inside, y'all'll find over 150 slides in every layout imaginable. These are spread over five cute color themes. Master slide layouts make bulk edits simple. Plus, that helps reduce PPT file size besides.


Template reduce ppt file size Template reduce ppt file size Template reduce ppt file size

When you think about how to reduce PowerPoint file size, consider what you're trying to do. Likely, you desire to share your slides with an audience almost. That means giving them slide layouts they'll be thrilled with. SENSASIONAL delivers, with 30 dark and stylish slides inside. Every chemical element is fully customizable, with drag-and-drop graphics.

3. Visualizm - Popular Art & Graffiti PowerPoint Template

Visualizm how to compress PowerPoint file size Visualizm how to compress PowerPoint file size Visualizm how to compress PowerPoint file size

Cheers to Elements, you can add together images and still reduce PowerPoint file size! Visualizm is a sleek, modern template to help you exercise exactly that. With cool, grungy vibes, it'due south easy to adapt to your next project. Custom placeholders let you lot add in content with just a few clicks. There are fifty-fifty vector icons included for quick style changes.

iv. Station PowerPoint Presentation

Station reduce PowerPoint file size Station reduce PowerPoint file size Station reduce PowerPoint file size

Station is another premium PPT template to reduce size and heave blueprint. It's illustrated in memorable shades of pink and royal. They're sure to grab audition attention. Each slide is completely customizable, with some featuring world maps and unique icons. A handy reference guide is included if you need help getting started.

5. Defender - PowerPoint Template

Defender reduce PPT Size Defender reduce PPT Size Defender reduce PPT Size

Imagine how to compress PowerPoint file size while still sharing enough of content. One way is to embrace minimalism. Trendy and modernistic, this design focuses on precipitous contrasts and open spaces. Defender is a prime number example, featuring 30 handcrafted slides. Main slides and image placeholders get in piece of cake for you to build amazing slide decks.

More than Top PowerPoint Templates

At Envato Tuts+, we're passionate most PowerPoint templates. They help our readers save fourth dimension and give smashing presentations without learning how to do everything on their own.

We keep the best PowerPoint templates listed in our guide, Microsoft PowerPoint Templates (Ultimate Guide to the Best PPT.) See even more of the best PowerPoint templates with these handcrafted selections:

Mutual PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

In this tutorial, you've learned how to reduce PowerPoint file size. This is an of import skill to salvage disk space and go far easier to share with your collaborators. Reduce PowerPoint file size to be a considerate presenter and content creator.

It'south okay if you yet take questions after you reduce PPT file size. Let's tackle v of the most pop PowerPoint questions:

one. What Are PowerPoint Layouts?

Ane way to reduce PPT file size is to re-utilise similar designs with merely minor modifications. PowerPoint layouts give you pre-congenital sets of slide designs that save you time.

Learn how to utilize layouts with the assistance of this tutorial:

2. What Dimensions Should Yous Use For PowerPoint?

Dimensions describe the shape and size of your PowerPoint template. Your settings matter because they'll help you cover the screen completely. Choosing lower dimensions can also assistance you reduce PPT file size.

Read our tutorial to acquire more.

3. How Do I Work With Images in Microsoft PowerPoint

Images are one type of content that can really increment your PowerPoint file size. Information technology's important to piece of work with them carefully so that your PowerPoint doesn't explode in file size.

Pairing this tutorial with what yous've already learned helps you principal how to reduce PowerPoint file size. You'll see options that show you how to compress PowerPoint file size past modifying images.

4. How Should You Show Data in PowerPoint?

Never create a slide that's chock full of data and statistics in pure text format. Instead, lean on graphs charts to display the data in an intuitive style. PowerPoint makes this easy, and we'll evidence you lot how.

By the way, mastering charts and graphs can also help y'all reduce PPT file size. When yous utilise well-crafted visuals instead of embedding data, your file size volition really benefit. Learn how below:

5. Tin Yous Consign

Accept you had issues reducing PPT file size to the point yous tin can electronic mail it? Hither's an idea: export it as a video, then upload it to a service similar YouTube.

Learning how to reduce PowerPoint file size is sometimes a matter of working around the app. You can consign your PowerPoint presentation equally a video, so use an online platform to overcome large files. Acquire how with this tutorial:

Learn More About How To Use Microsoft PowerPoint

Pro presenters know that the work of learning is never done. They're always sharpening their skills and improving their knowledge. PowerPoint has so many features that it's impossible to know them all.

Y'all know how to reduce PowerPoint file size to accommodate more options. Proceed learning by checking out our resource, How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide.) Here are three summit tutorials to pair with your new knowledge of how to reduce PowerPoint file size:

Make Groovy Presentations (Costless PDF eBook Download)

We've got a helpful compliment to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to nowadays powerfully.

Download our new eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations. It'south available for gratuitous with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation

Recap and Go on Learning More About PowerPoint

In this tutorial, I showed you some quick steps to reduce the size of your PowerPoint files. Following these simple workflows will optimize your presentations and keep storage space to a minimum.

There's no reason to stop learning PowerPoint now. Here are tutorials to aid you keep growing your presentation and PowerPoint skills:

  • xl+ Awesome PowerPoint Templates is a great resource to find corking-looking presentation templates if you want to jumpstart your presentation's visuals.
  • Charting is a great way to present numerical values in an easy-to-empathize format. It'southward simple to make charts in PowerPoint; check out How to Make Bang-up Charts in Microsoft PowerPoint to build those skills.
  • Sven Lenaerts has a wonderful tutorial with beginner presentation blueprint communication, inHow to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation Blueprint Better.

How did these tricks reduce your files? Let me know in the comments, or if you've got any questions about how to reduce your PowerPoint file size, feel free to ask.

Editorial Notation: This tutorial was originally published on May 1, 2017. It's been revised to make it electric current, accurate, and upwardly to date past our staff—with special aid from Andrew Childress.


How to Make Powerpoint 2016 File Smaller TUTORIAL

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